
Advice : Things You Shouldn't / Should Do When You Are Drunk

SHOULDN'T : Make a surgery on a person.
SHOULD : Watch a nasty surgery video and be amused about the video.
SHOULDN'T : Drive.Or walk.If you aren't capable of even crawling.
SHOULD : Sleep on a bench in a park.Or be creative.In a tree or something.Make sure not to fall.
SHOULDN'T : Sleep.
SHOULD : Make everything possible not to sleep.
SHOULDN'T : Sing loud NWA's "Fuck The Police" in a police station.
SHOULD : Make everything possible not to be near a cop.Even if you are one.Crazy,isn't it?
SHOULDN'T : Call anyone or send to anyone a message.The next day you'll regret it.
SHOULD : Call a taxi.Or an ambulance.
SHOULDN'T : Say anything that sounds like : "This is my last drink".
SHOULD : Have your last drink.
SHOULDN'T : Tryy ot raed tihs post.
SHOULD : Take a shower.
SHOULDN'T : Hijack planes and go near tall buildings ; you know what could happen.
SHOULD : Watch stupid movies.
SHOULDN'T : Say to anyone that you love him/her ; remember that you are drunk if you want to do that.
SHOULD : Talk shit and gibberish with another strange drunk person that you don't even know ; beleieve me you'll get along.
SHOULDN'T : Get lost from your friends ; even you will find new ones , those won't take you home.
SHOULD : Stay close ; stay put.

And the list could go on.Maybe I will write a part two.Anyway,remember to drink responsibly!


  1. BlackSnow:You shouldn't tattoo Elvis anywhere.

  2. you shouldn't listen to elvis

  3. you should stop drinkink forever
